Website Design Project

September 2023 •  SatoriTech


Founded in 2021. Their mission is to help bring bussinesses with a methodology focused on Customer Experience in under 12 months.

CX Lab provides the perfect environment for entrepreneurs and corporations to build disrupting businesses, and provides spaces for people to collaborate in ideas and building better products.


  • UX/UI Design team (3 people)
  • Project manager
  • QA
  • 1 Stakeholder

My role

Information architecture, UI Design, interactions, design proposal.


September 2023


Problem & Objective

New full redesign

CX Lab had a previous website with outdated information and branding, hard to navigate and heavy for slow computers due to animations and visual effects, making hard for the average user to find relevant information and navigate as a whole. In order to refresh their brand and start networking with potential clients the website needed a full redesign and better delivery of information.

Bussiness requirements

  • Redesign of the website
  • Add sub-divisions from the brand
  • Responsive version
  • New version focused on English language due to expansion.

User goals

  • Navigate easily on the website
  • Find relevant information in the correct place
  • Have an easy and quick way to contact CX Lab

My responsibilities

  • Create a design test to choose the best way to proceed
  • Define the architecture of the information
  • Create responsive design for mobile
Market research

How others do it?

In order to make this website more appealing to possible alliances, we did a quick market research to understand how people navigate through websites with similar topics and stablish possible solutions.


  • Others websites did not have any exposure to their team members in the home page.
  • Finding a way to contact people to know more was hidden, or just in one page.
  • Mobile responsive design was hard to navigate and most where desktop center.


Working closely with the stakeholder, we decided to take primary attention to the home page,  important information is mentioned and can be expanded on the rest of the website was the main objective.



From a poll of 5 participants, this test was conducted informally with people who knew just enough english to navigate through the page. This were the results.


Understood what CX Lab is about at first glance.


Thought that the page was pleasant to scroll through.


Believed they didn’t have to scroll too much in order to get to the contact form.


  • The information was not ordered correctly.

  • There wasn’t a distinction on the sub products offered by CX Lab.

  • Third design proposal was closer to the objective.
Final product

Branding accurate and functional website

After revisions on design and navigation with the stakeholder, the final design had adjustments in the order of the information and branding. The website is now easy to navigate and all needed information is ordered in a way that allows to be attractive and comprehensible.


Measuring impact

We had the opportunity to measure the impact the website had before going through another redesign. This were some results.


Increase on filled contact forms 


Less bounce rate when visiting the website for the first time.

+ 1 minute

Of permanence on the website

Project takeaways

Lessons learned

  • Communicate in everything to stakeholders and never make assumptions.
  • Worked with other designers, product managers, and had to manage different perspectives on the focus of the project.
  • Always important to review the development of the project even when it’s live. The project at first looked different from the prototype and that caused problems with our stakeholder.
  • Sometimes, less is more.